This is a quick post to issue a warning. We are aware that some accounts will be receiving messages like the one below, asking them to click a link and confirm some details about their account. We do not send emails like this. Do not click any links contained in an email like this, unless it is from a request you have made and are expecting.

If we notice any suspicious activity with your account, we will temporarily suspend outgoing mail or your ability to login and will send an email to an address we have on file which is not located on our server.
Emails like the above should be filtered by our Spam Filters, however spam filtering is an art form and isn’t always perfect. Always be curious of email you don’t expect and avoid making a decision quickly. Usually emails like this will try and put you under pressure with a statement of urgency, to reduce the amount of time you have to think clearly about a situation.
If you need our help, use our contact form and we’ll help as much as we can.